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“而在男性有那些谁电梯除了安拉神,他们爱作为上帝爱他至于那些谁相信,爱上帝。” (AL -古兰经:165)
“你说:”如果你的父亲,子女,兄弟,妻子,你的亲属,认为你们都获得了财富,你害怕商业损失,民居,你喜欢,你越喜欢比真主和真主和圣战在安拉的使者方式,然后等待,直到真主有关他的决定带来了“。” (AL -古兰经/ AT Tauba:24)
并提到另一种叙述:“一个人不会感到信仰的甜头,前... ...”等等。
伊本阿巴斯,在解释上帝的话:“... ...和断开所有在他们之间。” (AL -古兰经:166),他说:“那是爱。”
在苏拉的诗句诠释AL - Baqara和AT - Tauba。这节经文表明,爱上帝和上帝的心爱的爱,必须优先接管一切。
诠释的诗句:“... ...并断开它们之间的任何连接的。”这节经文表明,爱情和亲情的培育形成世界上拜偶像将在所有时,在此后中断,他们每个人将得到离他而去。

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011
In love with Allah
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab
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Word of Allah (meaning):
"And among men there are those who lift gods besides Allah, they loved him as the love of God. As for those who believe, love to God." (Al-Baqarah: 165)
"Say: 'If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, your kindred, the wealth that ye have gained, the commerce you fear loss, and dwelling houses that you like; it dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and (instead) Jihad in Allah's way, then wait until Allah brings about His decision. "." (Bara'ah / At-Tauba: 24)
Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Anas radi 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
"There are three cases, whoever there is in his third case, he must have felt the sweetness of faith, namely God and the Messenger of Allah is more beloved than others; love someone else just because there is no God, and would not return to disbelief after Allah saved him as he would not that be thrown into the fire. "
And mentioned in another narration: "A person will not feel the sweetness of faith, before ..." and so on.
Ibn Jarir narrated from Ibn 'Abbas radi' anhuma, that he said:
"Whoever loves someone because God hates a person because of God, because God and the person defending against a person because of God, then surely the love and help of God can only be obtained with it. And a servant will not find a sense of joy of the faith, though many prayers and shiyamnya, so he's doing that. friendship among human beings is generally based on the interests of the world, but it is not useful at all for them. "
Ibn 'Abbas, in interpreting the word of Allah Ta'ala: "... and the disconnect between them at all." (Al-Baqarah: 166), he says: "that is love."
The content of this article:
Interpretations of verses in sura Al-Baqarah. This verse shows deify anyone other than God with love as he loves God is idolatrous.
Interpretations of verses in sura Al-Baqarah / At-Tauba. This verse shows that love God and love for the beloved of God must take precedence over everything.
Mandatory love Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is more than love of self, family and property.
The statement "no faith" does not mean out of Islam, (but the meaning is not perfected faith).
Faith that there is sweetness, sometimes a person can be obtained and sometimes not.
Mentioned four attitudes is a necessary condition to obtain status as guardian of God, and someone will not find a sense of joy of the faith except the four that attitude.
Understanding of Ibn 'Abbas against reality, that friendly relations are generally based on worldly interests.
Interpretations of the verse: "... and disconnect any connection between them at all." This verse shows that the love and affection that has fostered the idolaters in the world will be interrupted at all when in the hereafter, and each of them will get away from him.
Mentioned that among the idolaters there who loves God with a love that is.
Threats against somebody's eighth case of the above (parents, children, siblings, wife, the family, property, commercial and residential) is more beloved than his religion.
Worship besides Allah by loving as God loves, that is shirk akbar.
Excerpted from the book: "The Book of Tawheed" by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab.
Publisher: Cooperation Office of Da'wah and Islamic Guidance, Riyadh in 1418 H.
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Word of Allah (meaning):
"And among men there are those who lift gods besides Allah, they loved him as the love of God. As for those who believe, love to God." (Al-Baqarah: 165)
"Say: 'If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, your kindred, the wealth that ye have gained, the commerce you fear loss, and dwelling houses that you like; it dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and (instead) Jihad in Allah's way, then wait until Allah brings about His decision. "." (Bara'ah / At-Tauba: 24)
Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Anas radi 'anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
"There are three cases, whoever there is in his third case, he must have felt the sweetness of faith, namely God and the Messenger of Allah is more beloved than others; love someone else just because there is no God, and would not return to disbelief after Allah saved him as he would not that be thrown into the fire. "
And mentioned in another narration: "A person will not feel the sweetness of faith, before ..." and so on.
Ibn Jarir narrated from Ibn 'Abbas radi' anhuma, that he said:
"Whoever loves someone because God hates a person because of God, because God and the person defending against a person because of God, then surely the love and help of God can only be obtained with it. And a servant will not find a sense of joy of the faith, though many prayers and shiyamnya, so he's doing that. friendship among human beings is generally based on the interests of the world, but it is not useful at all for them. "
Ibn 'Abbas, in interpreting the word of Allah Ta'ala: "... and the disconnect between them at all." (Al-Baqarah: 166), he says: "that is love."
The content of this article:
Interpretations of verses in sura Al-Baqarah. This verse shows deify anyone other than God with love as he loves God is idolatrous.
Interpretations of verses in sura Al-Baqarah / At-Tauba. This verse shows that love God and love for the beloved of God must take precedence over everything.
Mandatory love Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is more than love of self, family and property.
The statement "no faith" does not mean out of Islam, (but the meaning is not perfected faith).
Faith that there is sweetness, sometimes a person can be obtained and sometimes not.
Mentioned four attitudes is a necessary condition to obtain status as guardian of God, and someone will not find a sense of joy of the faith except the four that attitude.
Understanding of Ibn 'Abbas against reality, that friendly relations are generally based on worldly interests.
Interpretations of the verse: "... and disconnect any connection between them at all." This verse shows that the love and affection that has fostered the idolaters in the world will be interrupted at all when in the hereafter, and each of them will get away from him.
Mentioned that among the idolaters there who loves God with a love that is.
Threats against somebody's eighth case of the above (parents, children, siblings, wife, the family, property, commercial and residential) is more beloved than his religion.
Worship besides Allah by loving as God loves, that is shirk akbar.
Excerpted from the book: "The Book of Tawheed" by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab.
Publisher: Cooperation Office of Da'wah and Islamic Guidance, Riyadh in 1418 H.
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