Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

interpretation of "monotheism" and "creed" (there is no god but Allah alone)

Word of Allah, the Exalted:
"... The real punishment of your Lord is something that (should) be feared." (Al-Isra ': 57)

"And (remember) when Abraham said to his father and his people, Behold, I am releasing myself from all that you worship, except Allah alone is God who created me, because only He would tell me (on the path of righteousness)." (Az-Zukhruf: 26-27)

"They make people pious and their monks as gods besides Allah, and (they deify also) the Messiah son of Mary, when they were nothing but commanded to worship the One gods, no gods of truth other than He. Glory to God from their shirk. " (At-Tauba: 31)

"And among men there are those who worship other than God's rivals, that is with love as they love God." As to those who believe very, very love of God ... " (Al-Baqarah: 165)

Narrated in Sahih (Muslim), that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"Those who say Laa ilaha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah alone) and deny god but Allah, It is not right treasure and blood, was calculated (sin or reward) is up to God."

The content in this article:

Verse in surah Al-Isra '. Described in this paragraph is refutation of the idolaters who calls (asking) to those pious. Thus, this paragraph contains something the explanation that their actions were shirk akbar.

Verse in surah Bara'ah (At-Tauba). Described in this paragraph is that the People of the Book has made the pious people and their monks as gods besides Allah, and explained that they are nothing but only ordered to worship the One God that is worshiped. Though interpretation of this verse, which is clear and no longer at issue, which comply with pious people and monks in their actions are contrary to the law of God, and the People of the Book does not mean that they worship.
Can be concluded from this that the interpretation of "Tawheed" and Creed "Laa ilaha illa Allah" (there is no god but Allah alone), namely: the purification of obedience to God, to justify what Allah made lawful and forbid what is forbidden him.

The words of Al-Khalil Ibrahim, upon whom be peace to those who disbelieve: 'I break away from what you worship, except Allah alone is God who has created me ... "
Here he exclude God of all gods. Self liberation (of all the false gods) and homage (to the gods of truth, namely God) is the true interpretation of the creed "Laa ilaha illa Allah." (There is no god but Allah alone)
He said: "And Abraham made the sentence that the sentence of eternal unity in the offspring, so they come back (to the path of righteousness)." (Az-Zukhruf: 28)

Al-Baqarah verse in regard to unbelievers, who is said by God in the Quran: "And they're not going to get out of hell."
Mentioned in the verse that they worship besides Allah rivals, with love as they love God. This shows that they have a great love for God, but their love was not yet able to incorporate them into Islam.
From the verse in surah Al-Baqarah it can be concluded that the interpretation of "monotheism" and creed "Laa ilaha illa Allah" ie: the purification of the love of God is accompanied by a sense of inferiority and servitude to Him.
And what about the people who love the gods is larger than the love of God? Then, what about the people who just love god but Allah alone and not love God?

Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: "Whoever say Laa ilaha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah alone) and deny god but Allah, It is not right treasure and blood, while reckoning (calculating sin or reward) is up to God"
These are among the most important thing that explains the notion of "Laa ilaha illa Allah" (there is no god but Allah alone). For that which made the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam as a protector of blood and treasure is not just utter the phrase "Laa ilaha illa Allah" was, nor to understand the meaning and words, nor to admit the truth of those words, nor even did not ask for except to God alone, who has no partner for Him. However, it is not forbidden and protected treasure and her blood until she added to the pronunciation of the phrase "Laa ilaha illa Allah" was the denial to all the gods besides Allah. If he is still in doubt or wavering, we have not yet forbidden and protected treasure and blood.

Really great and very important interpretation "Tawheed" and creed "Laa ilaha illa Allah" contained in this hadith, he has put forward a very clear description and a very convincing argument put forward for the people who oppose.

Excerpted from the book: "Book of Monotheism" by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab.
Publisher: Joint Office of Da'wah and Islamic Guidance, Riyadh in 1418 H.

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